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Lag Wan

Senior Ecologist

Lag is an all-round ecologist with knowledge and experience in both faunal and floral groups. He has worked in the fields of conservation and environmental education for more than five years in various environmental NGOs, including the Conservancy Association and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. He has assisted in conducting various terrestrial surveys, for example, surveys of breeding terns, waterbird monitoring in Deep Bay. Also, he has worked for several research projects about habitat usage by breeding birds and amphibians in Long Valley, the largest freshwater agricultural land in Hong Kong. Being a certified arborist, Lag also has experience in conducting tree surveys and vegetation management. In AEC, Lag has focussed on on faunal and floral surveys, and habitat assessments for various EIA and ecological monitoring projects. He has also conducted bird surveys for the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society during this period.

BSc (Hons), Certified Arborist (ISA)

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